Functions to handle data from the Wadden Sea ATLAS project

AppVeyor build status Build Status Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. DOI

watlastools is an R package written and maintained by Pratik Gupte, at the University of Groningen’s Theoretical Biology Group, with functions that process high-resolution shorebird tracking data collected by the Wadden Sea ATLAS project. WATLAS is part of the Coastal Movement Ecology (C-MovE) group at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research’s Department of Coastal Systems.

For more information on the system, contact WATLAS PI Allert Bijleveld (COS-NIOZ).


# This package can be installed using devtools

# library("devtools")
# installation of the simplified branch

Shiny application

Package functionality is demonstrated by the inbuilt shiny application.

# run the app from the package


Read the wiki for a description of the functions’ intended usage.