Section 4 Elephant movement between water

Here, we look at elephants movement between water sources, and the speed, collar temperature, and distance to water along these segments.

4.1 Concept: Movement between water

Schematic of elephant track segments between water points. The positions of elephants (black squares, denoted by pt x ) from GPS transmitters on collars within 200 m (green area) of a water source (river: blue rectangle, waterhole: blue circle) were identified as visits to water. For each individual elephant i, we identified track segments j (solid lines, denoted seg ij ) as the path joining all positions chronologically between successive departures from and arrivals at water points. Each segment began as the elephant departed the 200 m zone around water (green rhombi, pt 0 ), and ended at the position where the elephant arrived within a 200 m zone around water (orange circle). Positions at which elephants were continuously within 200 m of a water source (black square, pt w ) are joined by a dashed line, and were not included in the characterization of segments away from water.

We calculated the time-difference between each segment’s start and end points as the segment time (t seg ), and identified the segment’s midpoint (purple triangle, pt 50 ) as the elephant position when half the segment time had elapsed (t seg /2). We computed the distance traveled between successive positions (pt x → pt x+1 ) in a segment as the steplength (v), and the sum of all v in a segment as the distance traveled along the segment (segment distance, d ij ). We calculated the linear distance (segment displacement, D) between each segment’s start and end points. Finally, we obtained the linear distance from each elephant position to the nearest water source (dw), the relative change in distance to water at each position (∆dw = dw 2 -dw 1 ), and the collar temperature at each position (T x ).

4.5 Classify arrival and departure from water

Here we identify where the elphant arrives at water (or within 200m, rather), leaves from water, and is at water.

4.5.1 Temperature at arrival

Print the model summary.

Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: temp ~ hour + season + (1 | id)
   Data: filter(data, behav == "arrival")

REML criterion at convergence: 76221.9

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.89970 -0.76294 -0.07497  0.85644  2.63490 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 id       (Intercept)  0.7959  0.8922  
 Residual             40.1818  6.3389  
Number of obs: 11663, groups:  id, 14

Fixed effects:
             Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 26.963889   0.277320  97.230
hour         0.124692   0.009198  13.557
seasonwet    0.103551   0.121320   0.854

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
          (Intr) hour  
hour      -0.383       
seasonwet -0.259  0.008

How long does each elephant usually remain near water?

id mean max min ci95
AM105 6.519551 59 0 0.8266358
AM107 6.955215 59 0 0.9149827
AM108 6.988697 59 0 0.9245382
AM110 6.700152 59 0 0.6767916
AM239 6.398075 59 0 0.7073521
AM253 7.176663 31 0 0.7363275
AM254 7.423451 59 0 0.8019367
AM255 7.464367 58 0 0.8823636
AM306 6.798591 59 0 1.0460625
AM307 7.339652 59 0 0.8722728
AM308 6.901941 59 0 1.1070726
AM91 7.735387 59 0 0.7235348
AM93 5.969936 31 0 0.7193454
AM99 7.124211 31 0 0.6603945

4.6 Identify segments between water

4.6.2 Summarise segments between water

For each elephant and each segment, find 1. the segemnt duration in hours 2. the segment time in hours 3. the segment proportion in time.

4.8 Segment metrics

Calculate a number of metrics for each segment: the first and last x-y coords, the season, the time taken for the loop to be completed, the mean speed, the temperature at the halfway point, the mean temperature along the loop, the instantaneous change in temp at the halfway stage.

4.9 Figure 5: Distance and displacement

4.9.1 Prepare data

Segment displacement (km) between successive visits to water was positively correlated with the distance traveled along the segment (km). Vertical line ranges show 95% confidence intervals around mean values for the dry season (red circles) and wet season (blue triangles), respectively. The solid black line denotes values where displacement = distance.

(#fig:show_fig05)Segment displacement (km) between successive visits to water was positively correlated with the distance traveled along the segment (km). Vertical line ranges show 95% confidence intervals around mean values for the dry season (red circles) and wet season (blue triangles), respectively. The solid black line denotes values where displacement = distance.

4.11 Figure 6: Segment dynamics

4.11.2 Prepare Figure 6

Elephant movement variables along segments between water points at 10% intervals of the segment stage (measured in time): **(a)** distance to the nearest water source (km), **(b)** speed (km/h), and **(c)** collar temperature (°C). Points are separated by season (dry = red circles, wet = blue triangles), and connected by lines. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals around each point are shown (note: CI may be too small to be visible for some points).

(#fig:show_figure_06)Elephant movement variables along segments between water points at 10% intervals of the segment stage (measured in time): (a) distance to the nearest water source (km), (b) speed (km/h), and (c) collar temperature (°C). Points are separated by season (dry = red circles, wet = blue triangles), and connected by lines. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals around each point are shown (note: CI may be too small to be visible for some points).