Section 5 Preliminary data preparation

This section prepares the raw data to be used in the main methods.

5.3 Preliminary checks

We suspect that rows are not ordered in time. Check for this and correct it. Save the resulting data as data/ele_total.csv.

Some elephants (239, 254, 255, 307, 308) have errored UTM coordinates which need to be ffixed. There are two issues: first, poor merging of the UTM converted coordinates with the parent data.frame at some stage prior to being processed for this paper (239 – 255). Second, two elephants, 307 and 308, seem to have had their UTM coordinates cropped to the limits of the Kruger shapefile, while the long-lat coordinates are preserved.

Problematic conversion of elephant tracking data coordinates from long-lat to UTM.

(#fig:show_ele_problems1)Problematic conversion of elephant tracking data coordinates from long-lat to UTM.

Problematic conversion of elephant tracking data coordinates from long-lat to UTM.

(#fig:show_ele_problems2)Problematic conversion of elephant tracking data coordinates from long-lat to UTM.